Configuration at DineConnect → Helps to configure DineConnect for the Loyalty Program
Configuration at DinePlan → Send the Data to DineConnect for Points Calculation
Portal → For customers to see the points and redemption.
Configuration at DineConnect
Here are the steps to be done at DineConnect for the Loyalty Program to be done
Create Loyalty Program
Create Tier
Create Campaign
Create Member User Role
Create Loyalty Program
Go to Engage → Loyalty → Program
Create Tier
The tier can be created from Engage → Loyalty → Tier
Create Campaign
The Points Campaign can be created from Engage → Campaigns → Points
Please create Campaign for Each tier
Create User Role
Go to Administration → Roles
Create the Role as Member as below
Configuration at DinePlan
Here are the configuration to be done at DinePlan for Creating, Editing, Attaching Members as below
The following Actions, Automation Commands and Rules should be added as below
Create action as below
Create Automation Command Rules
and its Rule is
In POS, it will be as
The point accumulation can be seen from
The portal is available for the user to view their points and its history. The code should be get from the Admin Team or request at (abdul@lfsolutions.net)