Versions Compared


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  1. Create Action for Hesabe

  2. Create Automation Command

  3. Create Trigger

  4. Create Rule for Normal Payment and also Trigger

Step 1: Create Action


Two Actions (one for a normal ticket, the other one trigger as below)

Image Added

Parameter name


MerchantCode, AccessCode, SecretKey, IvKey

Code comes from the Hesabe Team


The should be the base url and it should not have the api there

UserName, Password

Comes from the Hesabe Team


We need to have the payment type that will be closed when the payment is completed


True → it helps to check the tickets for payment status in the background

False → Just the Current Ticket

Image Added

Sample Testing Values are given below

Code Block
MerchantCode = 842217
AccessCode = c333729b-d060-4b74-a49d-7686a8353481
SecretKey = PkW64zMe5NVdrlPVNnjo2Jy9nOb7v1XgIV
IVKey = 5NVdrlPVNnjo2Jy9
Url =
UserName = test
Password = Test@1234
TestCard = 0000001
Sample Mobile Number = 98765432
Payment Link Url = http

*Note: use https or not http

Step 2: Create Automation Command


Step 3: Create Trigger


Step 4: Create Rule


The trigger rule is here


The Video of the demo is here
