

Different locations can have different prices for the same item. The item prices for such cases can be defined on the location level. This document will help us understand how to do this.

To know how to associate the items with the location, refer to this document.

Create Location Level Prices

STEP 1: Log in to DineConnect. Go to CONNECT --> MENU --> LOCATION PRICE. The following page appears.


STEP 2: Click on the LOCATIONS button, and select the location for which the prices have to be modified. 


STEP 3: The following page appears with a list of all the items in the location and their original prices along with their portion details.


STEP 4: To change the price of the item, click on the EDIT checkbox next to the item, a pop-up appears as below.

Change the price in Location Price, Click on SAVE & NEXT to continue editing prices for different items. To complete the editing, click on SAVE & CLOSE.


 NOTE: You can also use an excel sheet to update the location level prices. Follow the below-mentioned steps.

  • Click on IMPORT--> Download a template, an excel sheet will be downloaded. 

  • Edit the prices in the location price column, save the sheet.

  • Go to Import again, choose the saved excel sheet, and upload.



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