This page helps to integrate Hesabe payment gateway
Here are the steps to be done
Create Action for Hesabe
Create Automation Command
Create Rule
Step 1: Create Action
Parameter name | Description |
MerchantCode, AccessCode, SecretKey, IvKey | Code comes from the Hesabe Team |
Url | The should be the base url and it should not have the api there |
UserName, Password | Comes from the Hesabe Team |
PaymentType | We need to have the payment type that will be closed when the payment is completed |
Sample Testing Values are given below
MerchantCode = 842217 AccessCode = c333729b-d060-4b74-a49d-7686a8353481 SecretKey = PkW64zMe5NVdrlPVNnjo2Jy9nOb7v1XgIV IVKey = 5NVdrlPVNnjo2Jy9 Url = UserName = test Password = Test@1234 TestCard = 0000001
Step 2: Create Automation Command
Step 3: Create Rule
The Video of the demo is here