External Delivery

External Delivery

DinePlan Version


DineConnect has an external API for pushing delivery. This API will be used if the consumer maintains the master product, payments.

The API can be seen from the below link

Complete PostMan is here

For Fulfillment at DinePlan, here are the steps the done

  1. Create Action

  2. Create Trigger

  3. Create Automation Command (For Testing)

  4. Create Rules

  5. Activate the Local Settings

1. Action

Create New Action as below






Department Name

The Place where the Orders will be created


If the MenuItem is not locally available, it will be taken the UnMapped One


If the payment is getting closed from the external app, the relevant payment will be automatically updated in DinePlan

2. Trigger

Create Trigger which helps to pull the Order from DineConnect

3. Rule

The rule is to map the Trigger to Action as below

4. Automation Command

The Automation Command is to pull the Order

The rule for the Automation Command


5. The local setting should be activated as below and DineCall should be active



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