TabSquare Integration

TabSquare Integration

DinePlan Version


Here is the page for integration TabSquare in DinePlan

Here the steps

  • Create Actions

  • Create Trigger

  • Create Rules

  • Create Automation Commands

  • Enable Local Setting to Receive Order

STEP 1: Create Actions for TabSquare

Here are the actions

PullTabSquareTicket This action helps to get the Specific ticket of TabSquare.


Here is the configuration for it



Department Name

Department where the ticket will be saved to.


Customer will be created every time the delivery hero order comes to if the DinePlan does not have the data


Ticket Tag for the Delivery (Grab, DeliverOoo) and also Order Id etc


The Order Tag will be assigned to the value that we receive


Extra Charge which comes from TabSquare


Items which are in TabSquare but not in DinePlan


Payment Type will be added to the ticket if the TabSquare Ticket has Payments


URL comes from TabSquare for Receiving the Authentication Token


URL comes from TabSquare for Pulling the Orders


Comes from TabSquare for Token Authentication


Comes from TabSquare for Token Authentication


Comes from TabSquare for Outlet

PullAllTabSquareTickets This action helps to get all the tickets of TabSquare for the Particular Outlet

The action parameters are the same for this as well

STEP 2: Create Actions for TabSquare

The trigger is created for PullAllTabSquareTickets action to pull the tickets automatically in the background of DinePlan as below


STEP 3: Create Rules to Map Trigger and Action

Here is the Rule

Make sure the mappings are added as well

STEP 4: Create Automation Commands

Automation Command is created to pull the Order Manually

Map it to Rule and Action as below

Just a last step to enable the Local Setting to receive the Orders in the POS

The Local Setting can be accessed from BackOffice → Settings → Local Settings and go to Service Tab and Enable the External Order


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