

DinePlan Version


This page helps to configure EdenRed in DinePlan

EdenRed Configuration

The Credentials for accessing the EdenRed should be from the CUSTOM Menu from the BackOffice

Here is the screen for settings

The fields can also be added as from CUSTOM --> EDEN RED FIELDS

CRM Button

This will pull the Member from the CRM

STEP 1:  Create Automation Command as below

STEP 2: Create Actions as below 

STEP 3: Rules for the Action and Automation Command

Pushing Sales

Here are the steps for Pushing the Sales to CRM

STEP 1:  Create Action for Sales

STEP 2: Add the EdenRed Sales Action to Payment Processed 

Voucher Redemption

Here are the actions and rules for Voucher Redemption

STEP 1: Create Action as below 


Its a Payment Type from the DinePlan for Cash Voucher


Its for Discount Voucher

STEP 2: Create Automation Command at the Payment Page

STEP 3: Map the Action and Automation Command in Rules

Normal Points Redemption

This is to redeem Member Points

STEP 1: Action 

Payment Type is the Points will be applied on the Payment Type

STEP 2: Create Automation Command and Rules for it 

Rules as well


OTP Points Redemption

This help to redeem the Points for customer with OTP flow

STEP 1: Action 


Payment Type is the Points will be applied on the Payment Type

STEP 2: Create Automation Command and Rules for it 


Rules as well

Void Sales

STEP 1: Create Action as below 

STEP 2: Map this Action to Refund Button Rule as below 


Tags for Printing



Print the Member name



Print the Member Mobile Number


Print the Point Redeem


Print the CRM Balance


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