Auto Close Message | When the network printer is not reachable, the message box will be shown for 2 seconds and automatically close. |
Payment Description | Payment Description has been added. It can be activated via a Payment Processor to the payment type.
Ticket By Hour | New Report has been added to display the Tickets By Hour |
Payment Summary Report | BUG: The excel export does not have the Payment Information. It has been corrected. |
Item Category Report | Improvement: The total of each category has been added to the Excel. |
Default Department | After Successful Payment, the POS should come to User's Role Default Department.
This can be achieved by changing the Local Settings at
DineMenu Table Name | BUG: DineMenu is always displaying Table ID instead of Name. |
Combo Printing | BUG: The Combo Sequence is not printing Correctly.
We have introduced a NEW TAG for printing {QUANTITYNAME} and It should be in the KITCHEN Template as below:
and It Prints like this
DB Backup | BUG: DB Backup was not happening in the Previous Version and it has been solved. |
Combo Screen | Combo Screen has been enhanced.
REPORT UPDATE | Stimulsoft 2017.2 has been updated to DinePlan and DineReport installer has been changed as well. |
UPSELLING COMBO | UpSelling Combo has been added to DinePlan and DineConnect.
If the MenuItem has Upselling Comboes, it will be displayed as Pop up for the User to the Select.
LOCALIZATION | DinePlan has a screen to modify the Resources
| From the category, we can modify the SIZE of Sub Category Buttons