

Auto Close Message 

When the network printer is not reachable, the message box will be shown for 2 seconds and automatically close.

Payment Description

Payment Description has been added. It can be activated via a Payment Processor to the payment type. 


 Ticket By Hour

New Report has been added to display the Tickets By Hour

Payment Summary Report

BUG: The excel export does not have the Payment Information. It has been corrected.

Item Category Report


The total of each category has been added to the Excel.

Default Department 

After Successful Payment, the POS should come to User's Role Default Department.


This can be achieved by changing the Local Settings at




DineMenu Table Name 

BUG: DineMenu is always displaying Table ID instead of Name. 

Combo Printing

BUG: The Combo Sequence is not printing Correctly.


We have introduced a NEW TAG for printing {QUANTITYNAME} and It should be in the KITCHEN Template as below:






and It Prints like this



DB Backup

BUG: DB Backup was not happening in the Previous Version and it has been solved.

Combo Screen

Combo Screen has been enhanced. 




Stimulsoft 2017.2 has been updated to DinePlan and DineReport installer has been changed as well. 


UpSelling Combo has been added to DinePlan and DineConnect.


If the MenuItem has Upselling Comboes, it will be displayed as Pop up for the User to the Select.




DinePlan has a screen to modify the Resources






From the category, we can modify the SIZE of Sub Category Buttons





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