

Here is the document to setup the Eber in DinePlan

DinePlan Version


Step 1: Configure Settings

Go to BackOffice → Eber → Eber Settings → Enter the Values and save




This is same for all customer. We have given the setting incase to change it in future


We have to get this Key from Eber

Step 2: Add Actions, AutomationCommand and Rules

  1. Create Automation Commands

The following is for Selecting Member


The following automation command is for selecting the voucher


2. Create Actions as below


This is for displaying the Voucher

The following action is send the sales or refund to eber.


3. The rules and mapping should be done as below

The rule is for selecting the Member


The rule is for selecting the Voucher


The rule is for sending sales

Make sure that this rule is above Printing Rule

Step 3: Creating Entity

Create Entity Type as below


Here are the tags to print it on the receipt

[<L>Member Name:   {EBERMEMBERNAME}]
[<L>Points Earned:   {EBERPOINTSEARNED}]
[<L>Points Balance:  {EBERPOINTSBALANCE}]

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