How to Create Entity in ABP

How to Create Entity in ABP

The link is https://docs.abp.io/en/abp/latest/Entities


Entities with GUID Keys

If your entity's Id type is Guid, there are some good practices to implement:

  • Create a constructor that gets the Id as a parameter and passes to the base class.

    • If you don't set a GUID Id, ABP Framework sets it on save, but it is good to have a valid Id on the entity even before saving it to the database.

  • If you create an entity with a constructor that takes parameters, also create a private or protected empty constructor. This is used while your database provider reads your entity from the database (on deserialization).

  • Don't use the Guid.NewGuid() to set the Id! Use the IGuidGenerator service while passing the Id from the code that creates the entity. IGuidGenerator optimized to generate sequential GUIDs, which is critical for clustered indexes in the relational databases.

public class Book : Entity<Guid> { public string Name { get; set; } public float Price { get; set; } protected Book() { } public Book(Guid id) : base(id) { } }

Example of Application Service

public class BookAppService : ApplicationService, IBookAppService { private readonly IRepository<Book> _bookRepository; public BookAppService(IRepository<Book> bookRepository) { _bookRepository = bookRepository; } public async Task CreateAsync(CreateBookDto input) { await _bookRepository.InsertAsync( new Book(GuidGenerator.Create()) { Name = input.Name, Price = input.Price } ); } }


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