DinePlan API
The document helps to create the POS Order in DinePlan through Gateway
GatewayId and Token
API Request
The CURL is here
curl --location 'https://dgateway.xyz/v1/ticket/create' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer 1212' \
--data '{
"claimed": false,
"deliveryContents": "{\"ClosingTag\":\"\",\"DepartmentName\":\"GRAB N GO\",\"GoRequest\":true,\"Orders\":[{\"FlyOrderStatus\":\"New\",\"MenuItemName\":\"ARANCINI\",\"MenuItemSyncId\":1,\"MenuItemType\":0,\"OrderRef\":0,\"OrderStatus\":[\"New\"],\"OrderTagItems\":[],\"PortionName\":\"M\",\"Price\":4.7,\"Quantity\":1.0}],\"QueueNumber\":\"41\",\"TotalAmount\":4.7}",
"locationId": "155",
"response": "{\"AccountNumber\":\"\",\"ApprovalCode\":\"\",\"AuthorizationCode\":\"\",\"BatchNo\":\"\",\"CardExpiry\":\"\",\"CardIssuerName\":\"\",\"CardNo\":\"\",\"Description\":\"\",\"Last4DigitsCard\":\"\",\"MerchantId\":\"\",\"ReferenceNo\":\"\",\"ResponseCode\":\"\",\"TerminalId\":\"\",\"TransactionNo\":\"\",\"TypeOfCard\":\"\"}",
"status": "IN",
"ticketNumber": "41"
Fields | Description |
Claimed | It should be false by default |
DeliveryContents | The content of the Order should be sent here and the detail explanation is given below The JSON should be converted to String |
LocationId | The Gateway Id → Each outlet will have its Own Id |
Status | IN → Default Status should be Sent |
TicketNumber | The Receipt Unique Number should be sent along with the Request |
Response | Payment Response. The JSON should be converted to String and detail explanation is given below |
The Delivery Contents are explained below
"Entities": [
"EntityTypeId": 1,
"EntityName": "3455"
"QueueNumber": "23",
"TotalAmount": 9.6,
"TicketNumber": "ABC123",
"Orders": [
"MenuItemType": 0,
"OrderStatus": [
"PortionName": "NORMAL",
"Price": 9.6,
"Quantity": 1.0,
"OrderTagItems": [
"Quantity": 1,
"price": 0.0,
"tagName": "MAYONAISE",
"tagValue": "Less MAYONAISE"
"Quantity": 1,
"Price": 0.0,
"TagName": "EXTRA",
"TagValue": "Cabbage"
The explanations are
Fields | Type | Explanation |
Entities | Array | Entities are nothing but the representation for Table or Customer. EntityType → 0 is Customer, EntityType → 1 is Table Entity Name is nothing but the Table Name or Customer Name. If we have Customer details, it should be sent as below |
QueueNumber | String | QueueNumber if we have |
TotalAmount | Decimal | Total of the Whole Receipt |
TicketNumber | String | Unique Number of the Receipt |
Orders | Array | Array of Orders |
Order → MenuItemName | String | Name of the Product |
Order → MenuItemType | Int | 0 → Normal Product 1 → Combo Product |
Order → OrderStatus | Array | Status of the Order “New” → Newly Created Order to be Sent to Kitchen “Serve Later” → Order to be Served Later |
Order → PortionName | String | Name of the Portion of the Food. Default should be Normal |
Order → Price | Decimal | Price of the Portion |
Order → Quantity | Decimal | Quantity of the Portion Ordered |
Order → OrderTagItems | Array | Condiments of the Order with the Price and Quantity |
Order → OrderTagItem → Quantity | Decimal | Quantity of the Condiments Ordered |
Order → OrderTagItem → Price | Decimal | Price of the Condiments |
Order → OrderTagItem → TagName | String | Group Name if it has. If there is no Group, you can put the TagName and TagValue should be the Same. |
Order → OrderTagItem → TagValue | String | Name within the Group |
The response should be like the one below
"ApprovalCode": "01616",
"CardNo": "XXXXXXXXXXXX1530",
"CardIssuerName": "Visa",
"Last4DigitsCard": "1234",
"MerchantId": "000000020432379",
"ResponseCode": "YYYY",
"TerminalId": "24032220",
"TransactionNo": "ABC12233",
"PaymentTypeName": "Card"
If the customer has paid via Card you can add the information in the response and share it via API
Fields | Explanation |
ApprovalCode | The code which returns from the Gateway |
CardNo | If there is any card number |
CardIssuerName | Visa, Master or Any card type that is for the Card |
Last4DigitsCard | 4 Digits of the Card |
MerchantId | If there is any Merchant Id available, please add that and it comes part of the Payment done at the Terminal |
ResponseCode | If there is any response from the Payment |
TerminalId | Id of the Terminal |
TransactionNo | Unique Transaction No is necessary to cross verify the Payment |
PaymentTypeName | The Name of the Payment that should be closed in the Outlet |
*The ones marked in Bold are mandatory
Product API
URL: https://dgateway.xyz/v2/productApi
The Curl are
Taxes API
URL: https://dgateway.xyz/v2/taxesApi
The Curl are