Webtel Zatca Integration

Webtel Zatca Integration

DinePlan Version


License Code


The following action should be done

Step 1: Actions Building

  1. WebtelZatcaAction

The following Actions should be created

Url → It comes from the WebTel team to send the Invoice

QrFolderPath → Path to store the QR Code


  1. Add Seller VAT by default

The seller Vat should action should be created as below

  1. Add Buyer VAT Action and it should be based on the Department

[:BuyerVat] as a variable and we will input that in the Rule


Step 2: Rules Building

The following rules should be built for calling WebTel and also automatically adding the Buyer and Seller

Add AC_WebTel rule before printing and it sends the invoice to Webtel as below



For adding the seller by default, the following rule should be created. It should be mapped to all department

For adding buyers based on the department, another rule should be added as below

You can add as many rules as you want based on the department

We are done.

B2B Invoice: If both the buyer and seller are selected, it's considered a B2B Invoice

B2C Invoice: If only the seller is selected, it's considered as a B2C invoice.

Add New Buyer or Seller

To Print it on the Receipt


C:\ABC is the path where we store the QR Code


All the logs of the Webtel are stored in Documents\DinePlan\External\

Create QR Code for Already Paid Ticket

  1. Create Automation Command as below and Mapping as well


  1. Create a Rule and Add Action to it and Mapping as well

Return Ticket

  1. Create Action, Automation Commands as below with the Rules


  1. Create a Reason as below

The Complete Reasons are

Cancellation or suspension of the supplies after its occurrence either wholly or partially(تم إلغاء أو وقف التوريد بعد حدوثه أو اعتباره كلياً أو جزئياً)

In case of essential change or amendment in the supply, which leads to the change of the VAT due(وجود تغيير أو تعديل جوهري في طبيعة التوريد بحيث يؤدي الى تغيير الضريبة المستحقة)

Amendment of the supply value which is pre-agreed upon between the supplier and consumer(تم الاتفاق على تعديل قيمة التوريد مسبقاً)

In case of goods or services refund(عند ترجيع السلع أو الخدمات)

In case of change in Seller's or Buyer's information(عند التعديل على بيانات المورد أو المشتري)

That's it

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