Step 1 — Installing And Configuring The Minio Server
You can install the Minio server by compiling the source code or via a binary file. In this step, we’ll install the server the easiest way—through the binary—and then we’ll configure everything afterward.
First, log into your server:
ssh sammy@your_server_ip
If you haven’t updated the package database recently, update it now:
sudo apt-get update
Next, download the Minio server’s binary file:
curl -O
A file named minio
will be downloaded into your working directory. Make it executable:
Now, move the file into the /usr/local/bin
directory where Minio’s systemd startup script expects to find it:
For security reasons, we don’t want to run the Minio server as root. And, since the systemd script we’ll use in Step 2 looks for a user account and group called minio-user, let’s create them now.
Change ownership of the binary to minio-user:
Next, we need to create a directory where Minio will store files. This will be the storage location for the buckets you’ll create in Step
Give ownership of that directory to minio-user:
The /etc
directory is the most common location for server configuration files, so we’ll create a place for Minio there.
Give ownership of that directory to minio-user, too:
Use nano or your favorite text editor to create the environment file needed to modify the default configuration:
And, add the following variables:
1 MINIO_VOLUMES="/usr/local/share/minio/"
2 MINIO_OPTS="-C /etc/minio --address your-server-ip:9000"
MINIO_VOLUMES: Points to the storage directory that you created earlier.
MINIO_OPTS: Modifies the behavior of the server. The -C flag points Minio to the configuration directory it should use, while the –address flag tells Minio the IP address and port to bind to. If the IP address is not specified, Minio will bind to every address configured on the server, including localhost and any Docker-related IP addresses, so it’s best to specify the IP address in this file explicitly. The default port is 9000, but you can choose another.
Finally, save and close the environment file when you’re finished making changes.
Minio is now installed, so, next, we’ll configure the server to run as a system service.
Step 2 — Installing the Minio Systemd Startup Script
In this step, we’ll configure the Minio server to be managed as a systemd service. First, download the Minio service descriptor file using the following command:
After the download has finished, a file named minio.service
should be in your working directory.
To audit the contents of minio.service
before applying it, open it in a text editor to view its contents:
Once you’re comfortable with the script’s contents, close your text editor. Systemd requires that unit files be stored in the systemd configuration directory, so move minio.service
Then, run the following command to reload all systemd units:
Finally, enable Minio to start on boot:
Now that the systemd script is installed and configured, let’s start the server.
Step 3 — Starting The Minio Server
In this step, you’ll start the server and modify the firewall to allow access through the browser interface.
First, start the Minio server:
You can verify Minio’s status, the IP address it’s bound to, its memory usage, and more with the command:
You should get output like the following:
1 minio.service - Minio
2 Loaded: loaded (/etc/systemd/system/minio.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled)
3 Active: active (running) since Fri 2017-04-07 00:26:10 UTC; 11min ago
4 Docs:
5 Process: 25069 ExecStartPre=/bin/bash -c [ -n "${MINIO_VOLUMES}" ] || echo "Variable MINIO_VOLUMES not set in /etc/default/minio" (code=exit
6 Main PID: 25073 (minio)
7 Tasks: 6
9 CPU: 544ms
10 CGroup: /system.slice/minio.service
11 └─25073 /usr/local/bin/minio server -C /etc/minio --address :9000 /usr/local/share/minio/
13 Apr 07 00:26:11 ashtonandgray minio[25073]: Browser Access:
14 Apr 07 00:26:11 ashtonandgray minio[25073]:
Next, you need to enable access through the firewall to the Minio server on the configured port. In this tutorial, that’s port 9000
So, first add the rule:
Then, restart the firewall: