Ticket Modeling
Here is the Data Modeling of DineConnect Tickets API
Entity | Attribute | DataType | Description |
Ticket | tenantId | Number | Tenant Id Assigned |
| locationName | Text | Name of the Location the Ticket belongs to |
| location Id | Number | Id For the Corresponding Location |
| ticketId | Number | Location Created Id (This is not Unique) and You have to consider Ticket Number |
| ticketCreatedTime | datetime | Ticket Created Date and Time |
| lastUpdateTime | datetime | Last Update Ticket Date and Time |
| lastOrderTime | datetime | Last Order Created Date and Time |
| lastPaymentTime | datetime | Last Payment when it was made to the Ticket |
| isClosed | boolean | Status of the Tickets (Opened or Closed) In DineConnect, Only the Closed Ticket will come |
| isLocked | boolean | Locked Status |
| remainingAmount | Number | Remaining Amount in the Ticket. It will always be 0 |
| totalAmount | Number | Total Amount of the Ticket |
| departmentName | Text | Name of the Department, the Ticket is created (Dine In, Take Away) |
| ticketTypeName | Text | Name of the Ticket Type, the Ticket is Created (Sales, Credit, etc) |
| note | Text | Ticket Note attached to the Ticket |
| lastModifiedUserName | Text | Name of User who last modified the Ticket |
| ticketTags | Text | It will have the Information about the PAX, Gender, etc) |
| ticketStates | Text | States of the Ticket. (Paid, Refund, Closed, etc) |
| ticketLogs | Text | Logs Created For the Tickets |
| taxIncluded | boolean | Tax Included (or) Excluded in Total Amount of the Ticket |
| terminalName | Text | Terminal where the Ticket is Created |
| preOrder | boolean | It determines, the Ticket is not settled. In DineConnect, we will always have a Settled Ticket |
| ticketEntities | Text | JSON Array, it has information about the Table, Member and Customer |
Orders |
| Number |
| orderId | Number | Id Created for each Order Created |
| locationName | Text | Name Of the Location order Created |
| location_Id | Number | Corresponding Location Id |
| ticketId | Number | Ticket Id in which the Order Belongs to |
| departmentName | Text | Department in Which the Order is Created |
| aliasCode | Text | Alias Code of the Menu Item for the Order. It could be the External System Id |
| menuItemId | Number | DineConnect MenuItem Id of the Order |
| menuItemName | Text | DineConnect MenuItem Name of the Order |
| portionName | Text | Portion name in MenuItem |
| price | Number | Price of the MenuItem |
| costPrice | Number | Cost Price of the MenuItem if it is defined |
| quantity | Number | Quantity of Menuitems Ordered |
| portionCount | Number | Quantity of the Portion Ordered |
| note | Text | Note For Particular Order |
| locked | boolean | Status of Order |
| calculatePrice | boolean | It determines whether the price should be calculated or not |
| increaseInventory | boolean | It determines whether the inventory should be Increased or not |
| decreaseInventory | boolean | It determines whether the inventory should be Decreased or not |
| orderNumber | Number | Order Number created for each order |
| creatingUserName | Text | The User ordered was created |
| orderCreatedTime | datetime | Date and Time of the Order Created which is order sent to the Kitchen |
| priceTag | Text | Price Tag of the Order. |
| taxes | Text | Tax for Particular Order |
| orderTags | Text | Order Tag Details for Order |
| orderStates | Text | Status of Order (Void, Comp, Gift, Refund, Submitted) |
| isPromotionOrder | boolean | Where the Order is Promotion Order or not |
| promotionAmount | Number | Total of the Promotion Amount |
| menuItemPortionId | Number | Portion Id of Menu Item |
| creationTime | datetime | The time when the Order is clicked and added to the POS |
| creatorUserId | Number | Id of User Who Created the Order |
| id | Number | Location Reference ID |
Payments |
| paymentTypeId | Number | Id for PaymentType |
| paymentTypeName | Text | Name of PaymentType |
| ticketId | Number | Ticket Id For Which Payment Done |
| paymentCreatedTime | datetime | Time and Date when the Payment is Performed |
| tenderedAmount | Number | Tendered amount |
| terminalName | Text | Name of the terminal where Payment is done |
| amount | Number | Total Amount Settled |
| paymentUserName | Text | Name of User Who Settled the Ticket |
| accountCode | Text | Account Code of the Payment Type |
| paymentTags | Text | Corresponding Payment Tag |
| creationTime | datetime | Date and Time when the Payment is created |
| creatorUserId | Number | The user who created the Payment |
| id | Number | Internal Id |
Transactions |
| transactionTypeId | Number | Id of TransactionType |
| transactionTypeName | Text | Name of Transaction Type |
| ticketId | Number | Corresponding Ticket Id |
| amount | Number | Amount For Particular Transaction (Sales, Discount, Tax, Payment, etc) |
| accountCode | Text | Account code of the Transaction |
| creationTime | datetime | Date and Time when the Payment is Created |
| creatorUserId | Number | Userid who created the transaction |
| id | Number | Internal Id |
| isDeleted | boolean |
| deleterUserId | number |
| deletionTime | datetime |
| lastModificationTime | datetime |
| lastModifierUserId | number |
| creationTime | datetime |
| creatorUserId | number |