POS Features

In this document, we will understand some more features available in the POS section.  All the features are explained in detail here. The different functions are performed using different keys on the POS screen. 

Different Function Keys on POS

  • SEARCH-F1: The first key on the screen, the Search button allows us to search for any item in the inventory. The Item can be searched using an Item code, description, category, brand, or name/description.

Select the required item from the list and click on the ADD ITEM button to add the item to the cart. 

All Locations button will search for the item in all the stores of the brand. This is usually necessary to inform the customer about the availability of any item in other stores if the item is not available in the current store.

  • VOID ITEM-F2: Void Item button is to remove any item from the selected item list on the left pane. To remove any item from the list, just select the item and click on the VoidItem button. 

NOTE: Voided items are recorded and can be viewed from the void item reports.

  • HOLD F3 and RECALL F4: The HOLD and RECALL button allows to put the ticket/order on hold and restore/recall the order again later.

The HOLD button allows putting the ticket on HOLD. 

Then to Reopen the ticket, click on the RECALL button, and a list of all the tickets put on hold will appear as shown below. Select the required ticket. 

PRINT - Button allows to print the bill

RECALL - Opens the ticket again and allows to add, remove, edits items in the order.

  • CLEAR ALL F5: Clears all the items from the list.

  • MANUAL F6: When the Manual function is Turned ON while selecting the item, the quantity can be edited. 


    • Turn on the Manual Function, select the item. The item quantity can be edited as required and Enter.

  • RECEIPT F7: Opens the List of all the Receipts/bills created for the day. The tickets can be viewed by clicking on the ticket number and clicking on the view button. 

  • DRAWER F8: This button Opens the Cash Drawer. If the drawer is password protected, it firsts asks to enter the password.

  • EXPENSE F9: This allows us to input any expenses. The amount, description of the expense, and other details such as whom the amount is paid, reference number, transaction number can be added to the expense.

  • EXCHANGE F10 and RETURN F11: Sometimes, customers may request to exchange or return the product they have already purchased.  The exchange button and return button enables the exchange of the product for previously billed products. 

Some stores may allow only store credits or exchange of the product with anything else in the store, in such case return option won't be enabled. 

To exchange or return the item, follow the below steps.

STEP 1:  Click on EXCHANGE Button to turn on exchange mode.  You can see the exchange mode will be ON, below picture shows how.

STEP 2: Select the exchange items and the quantity. You can see Exchange will turn off after every item, to exchange more than one item turn on exchange every time. 


STEP 3: Then select the items which you need to buy in exchange for these products. 

STEP 4: If you purchase more amount then make the payment for the difference amount. Note that the system does not allow to enter the negative amount, it shows the below message.


STEP 3: To return the product, after entering the items to return, click on the Return button.

STEP 4: It asks for confirmation, click on OK to return the products.

  • PAYMENT F12: The payment button is to make the payment for the order. After adding all the items to the bill, click on the payment option to make the payment.

  • ADJ. QTY (Adjust Quantity): Adjust quantity allows to adjust the quantity of the selected items.

  • ITEM DISCOUNT: Item Discount allows to give a discount to the item. Both the percentage discount and price discount. 

Percentage Discount

Price Discount

  • VOID: Void makes a ticket void or delete the receipt.

STEP 1: Click on Void. Enter the receipt number.

STEP 2: Confirm if you want to void the receipt.  You will get a success message.


  • SETTLEMENT: The settlement button is to make the end of the day or end of shift settlement. 

  • Click on the SETTLEMENT button.

    • Add the details of the payments done in the shift/day. 

    • Add the currencies accumulated

    • Verify the float amount and the expenses.

    • Then SAVE. 

    • Short/Expense shows if there is any difference in the cash that is flowed in and out.

NOTE: Float amount is the initial amount already available in the drawer for giving the change to the customers. Expense is the amount that is spent on anything, hence this amount will be the negative amount (158.20[income]-2[expense]=156.20[total]).