Multi Brands
Multi Brands is nothing doing the transaction of Multiple Locations of different cuisines in a Single POS.
DinePlan Version | 2.270.1 |
There are configurations that need to be done in DineConnect and also in DinePlan
Steps for DineConnect
Create Location Group
Configure Menu Item
Configure Screen Menu
Steps for DinePlan
Create the Settings
Verify-in DinePlan and Connect
Let's go into detail for each section
Steps for DineConnect
Here are the steps to be in DineConnect
Create Location Group
In the below screenshot, the Location Group South has two locations (BGL, LCH)
2. Create Menu Item
There are two options here
Items Specific to Locations
If the item is specific to a location, it should be tagged in the Menu Item as below
Items Common to All Locations
If the Item is common to all locations, it is not necessary to add it in the list as below
3. Configure Screen Menu
The Screen Menu should be configured separately for each location as below and each location should also have the common Menu Item as well
That's the configuration of DineConnect.
Steps for DinePlan
Create the Settings
Go To Back Office → Program Settings → Connect and the following screen appears.
Setting Name | Setting Description |
ConnectLocationId | Its the base Location Id of the Connect |
Location Group Code | Code of the Location Group that's been configured |
The rest are the parameters are the same as the previous DineConnect Settings
2. Sync it up
Once done, Pull the Menu and all the required items will be sync automatically
3. Verification
It can be verified via SQL Editor as below and Every Item will have the location Id
That's it and the sales will be synced up automatically in DineConnect as below
Coke is the common item but synced from the base location in POS which is Bangalore and it goes to Bangalore Automatically.