Mall Integrations
DinePlan has pre-built actions built for Mall Integrations for Singapore
Here are the actions available and sample contents
MallSalesByHour | It gives the Hourly Sales like one below
MallSalesByHourByPaymentType | The format would be like the one above. |
MallSalesSummary | It gives a summary for a day as per below |
CapitalMallSales | This generates the file as below
EuroStopSales | Sample File would be
Here are the steps to be done
STEP 1: Based on your Mall Output, you can add Action as below
StoreId | This value will be given by the respective outlet or Mall Management Team |
Seperator | This is the File Separator for the Content |
FtpAddress | The IP will be provided by the Management Team |
FtpUserName | UserName will be provided by the Management Team |
FtpPassword | Password will be provided by the Managment Team |
FtpPort | Default Value is 22. If the Management have the different port, it has to be overridden |
FtpDirectory | Default Value is /. If the Management have the different directory, it has to be overridden |
Directory | The Place where the Files will be created before transfer to FTP |
STEP 2: Add the Following Rules
The following rule will send the File on Day End to the Mall Management
Make sure the Mappings are done.
NOTE: Please install WINSCP ( In case of files are not sent, the customer can send them manually from the Directory. The WinSCP is in the DinePlan\Softwares\FTP folder from Drive