OCBC Payment Terminal Integrations

OCBC Payment Terminal Integrations

DinePlan Version


DinePlan has integrated with a variety of payment terminals. One of the Payment Terminal is from OCBC which is nothing but an automatic integration of payment with DinePlan


  1. Create a Payment Type

2. Go to Payment Processor add as Inputtronics as below and click Settings

OCBC Inputronics Hardware comes in COM Port or as an IP Address and here are explanations for the fields

Field Name


Field Name



If the Terminal is a Network Terminal, it should be checked.

IP Address

IP Address of the Terminal


Port which it should be communicated.

In case of Network, it will be a TCP Port (For Example, 8080)

or it will be Com Port, For Example (COM3)

Auto Send to Terminal

It will be automatically send to terminal or it will ask for the user to confirm

Min Amount

Total Minimum Ticket Amount Require to process this Payment

Max Amount

Maximum Ticket Amount Limit

Terminal Address

In case of Multiple Payment Terminals, we will be using this fields to define the IP Address. Lets say that if the place has 2 POS Terminals and each has its own Payment device which has two different IPs.

This field helps to define IPs based on terminal name

The format field as below


POS1, POS2 → Terminal Name, → IP Address of the Terminal.

Each Terminal definition is separated by ;

3. Make sure that Mappings is done for the Payment Type

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