Ascan A390 Integration

Ascan A390 Integration

DinePlan Version


Here are the steps to be done

Take out the Ascan Kit and also Ascan Installer from DinePlan Drive

Step 1: Register the DLL

Open the Command Prompt and enter the command below

regsvr32.exe "C:\Ascan_PAX_A390_EDC\1_DLL_Registration\ECR DLL Release\Release\MagIC3ECR.dll"

Please make sure that the folder is not deleted

Step 2: Verify the device as below

Open the Simulator from the Path “C:\Ascan_PAX_A390_EDC\2_Simulator” and following screen appears

Click Send Echo and it should display as below

Install the DinePlan and it should work. The Port will be COM9


Note: ASCAN works only between COM1 to COM9 Ports

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