Purchase Receive

Purchase Receive

The Purchase Receive section is to receive items that have been ordered for in the Purchase Order section.

Purchase Receive module updates the inventory.  Whenever the items ordered in PO are delivered by the Vendor, we can create Purchase receive and update the inventory.  

Now, let us see how to create Purchase Receive and Update Inventory

STEP 1: Go to PURCHASE --> PURCHASE RECEIVE. This page opens. 


STEP 2: Click on CREATE PURCHASE RECEIVE. This page opens. 


STEP 3: Add the following details.

  • Select the Vendor Name from whom the Order has to be received. 

  • Then Select the PO number. 

  • Add a Reference Number.

  • In the drop-down where items can be selected, the list of items ordered on this purchase order. 

  • You can edit the quantity according to how much is received. 

  • Add any remark and then SAVE the page. 

Once the Purchase Receive is created, the inventory is updated according to the details input in the Purchase Receive.  


STEP 4: Once the Purchase Receive is created. Under the Actions column, the following options will be shown.


  • You can view the Purchase receive by clicking on the View option.


  • To Edit, first, click on Convert to Draft, and then you will be able to Edit.



  • Click on Create Invoice to create an Invoice.

    To do this click on create  Invoice, then Add the Invoice Number and Save.


Once the order is invoiced, the status will change to Invoiced and the Option to pay will be enabled as shown below. 


  • To make the Payment, Click on the Pay option. Select the Payment Method, Add a reference number. Then Save.


  • The delete option is to delete the recording.

  • Product Barcode allows us to print the barcode. 


  • The print is to print the order.



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