Stock Fulfilments

Stock Fulfilments

Stock Fulfilment is a new page added to the Stock section which makes it easier to track the stock requests that have come in and their status.

  • It allows to check whether the stock has been picked up from the storage area, whether the stock requests have been approved and completed. 

  • This page also allows to create a consolidated PO list, which creates a single list combining all the items from different requests that have been selected. This makes it easier to pick up the items from the storage unit at once for multiple stock requests without having to refer them individually.

  • We can also create purchase orders for the stock request directly from this page.

Now let us understand how to cater to the stock requests from the Stock fulfilment page.

1. Check  for the stocks requested and approve the quantities.

To check the items requested in the stock request and approve the deliverable quantities, follow the below steps.

STEP 1: Go to Stock Fulfilment page in the Stock section on RetailConnect. 


STEP 2: On this page, to view and approve the Stock requests, click on Edit button under Actions button. 


STEP 3: This page opens, here you can see the list of items requested along with the requested quantities. Here, there is option to approve the required quantity. 


STEP 4: Enter the deliverable quantities and Approve. Once it is Approved the status changes to "APPROVED" as shown in the image below. 



  • You can also create a Purchase order directly by clicking on Create Auto PO.


When the PO is created, the status of the PO can be seen from the PO Column marked as below. 


STEP 5: Under Action, click on Transferred button to transfer the stock. After it is Transferred, the status changes to Completed if all the requested items are approved for completely requested quantities. If the items are partially fulfilled, the status is marked as Partial when transferred.


NOTE: Once it is Transferred, on the stock transfer page, you can see the transaction appears and the status is Transferred. Once the location that requested for the stock confirms the receive, the status will be updated as Recieved. 



2. Create a Consolidated Purchase Order

This option allows to create a Purchase order for requested stock. The key feature of this is, it allows to select multiple stock requests to create a PO at once. To do this follow the below steps. 

Step 1: Select the required Stock requests by clicking on the checkboxes in the select column. Then click on Consolidate PO button. 


STEP 2: Click on Generate PO and approve the Purchase Order. 

3. Pick List

PickList allows you to create a pick list, by selecting the required Stock requests. This becomes earlier to pick out the stock from storage unit. 



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