Stock Request
If there are more than one location, the Stock location allows you to request for the products from a different location to your location. On this page, we can record the movement of items between different locations.
Create Stock Request
STEP 2: Click on CREATE STOCK REQUEST button to create a stock request. This page opens.
STEP 3: Fill in the details.
To Location: Select the location from which we need to request the items.
Add the items and Quantities.
Add any remarks if any.
Then Save the page.
NOTE: "From Location" will be the location that is making the request.
Once the Stock is requested, the status will be stored as REQUESTED.
NOTE: The option to Create Stock Request by Sales is also added to the Stock Request page. With this option, the Stock Request can be made based on the sales of the product units.
When we go on Stock Request by Sales page, we can find the option to fetch the products sold based on their Vendor, Brand, Department, category or by date range.
To create the stock request, just select the option from the drop down and click on Search. We obtain the list of products. Now we can directly click on Create Stock Request button and create request.
After selecting the products here, follow the similar steps as explained above to create the Stock request.