Sales Invoice
Sales Invoice is to create an invoice for the Sales Orders.
Invoices can be created for Sales Orders from the Sales Order page as well.
NOTE: When an invoice is created with Items, the Inventory will be updated. The items will be reduced from the system inventory, according to the quantity that was ordered/delivered.
Now let us see how to create Invoices for Sales orders from the Sales Invoice page.
STEP 1: Go to SALES --> SALES INVOICE section. This page opens.
STEP 2: Now to create a new Sales invoice, click on CREATE SALES INVOICE.
STEP 3: Select the Customer Name, Add the PO number, select the Payment Term.
Then select the Items, add the Quantity and Save.
STEP 4: Under Actions, the following options are available.
View - View button is to view the invoice.
Convert to Draft - This allows to convert the invoice to draft for editing again.
Pay - To create a Sales Receipt.
Delete - To delete the Invoice.
Print DO - Print DO prints a copy of the invoice without price details.
Print - To print the invoice.
NOTE: We have an option to create a picklist to pick the items from the storage unit. With this, we can select multiple invoices and create a picklist that gives a combined count of items from all the selected invoices.
Once the invoices are picked up the invoices are checked on the Picked Column.