Sales Order

Sales Order

The sales Order section is to create a sales order for the customer. If the customer has requested/ordered products, then we can create a Sales order to track this order. 

 Now let us understand how to create a Sales order on Retail Connect.

Create Purchase Order

STEP 1: Log in to the Retail Plan portal. Go to SALES --> SALES ORDERS page. 

On this page, you can filter the orders with Customer, date, order number, or reference number. 


STEP 2: Click on CREATE SALES ORDER to create the sales order. This page opens. 


STEP 3: Fill in the details.

  • Customer Name - Select the Customer Name to which this Sales Order is created.

  • PO Date - Select the order date.

  • PO No. - Add the Reference number to the order. 

  • Sales Person - Select the salesperson name if the products are ordered by the salesperson.

  • Item - Select Item Name, Once the item name is selected Item code, UOM, Cost per unit will be updated. Then add the Qty required.

  • Qty - Select the Qty required. 

  • Discount Amount/Discount Amt Percentage - Add the Discount Amount or percentage.

  • Sub Total -  This field will be updated when Qty, Discount will be updated.

  • Tax - Select the tax percentage.

  • Tax Amount  - This will show the Tax amount that will be added to the amount.

  • Net Amount/Grand total - This will display the total amount (Subtotal+Tax).

  • FOC - If it is Free of Charge. 

  • Other Charges - If there are any other charges add them here. 


STEP 4: You can add multiple items to the Order. After adding all the required products click on Save.


STEP 5: Under the Actions column we have the following options.

  • EDIT - Edit option will allow editing the orders before Approving.

  • CREATE INVOICE - This is to create an invoice. To create an Invoice click on CREATE invoice option.

  • PRINT - This will Print the PO and we also have the option to mail the PO to the Customer.

  • DELETE - Delete is to delete the order. 



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