In DinePlay, a resolution is the definition of big the screen of a device is. You simply find the menu under Play. Once you click on the menu, the list of previously created resolutions is displayed as shown in the following figure.
Figure 1.1 List of resolutions
1.1 Creating a new resolution
Click “CREATE RESOLUTION” located on the top right corner of the list and you should find the following screen shown.
Enter the name of the resolution along with its width and height.
Click the “Save” You should be redirected to the resolution list and the resolution you have just created should be found in the list. Save button will become clickable once the required details are properly entered.
You may click the “Cancel” button to leave this screen and go back to the list of resolutions.
The information entered will be discarded.
1.2 Editing an existing resolution
Find dropdown list in the first column of the grid in the resolution list page and click to expand.
Click “Edit” and you should be redirected to the resolution information page with resolution information displayed.
Change details of the resolution info as needed.
Click the “SAVE” button. This should take you back to the list of resolutions.
Or click the “CANCEL” button to leave the screen without saving the changes you made.
1.3 Deleting an existing resolution.
Click “Delete” from the dropdown list.
The “Confirm” dialog box shows up.
Click “Yes” to confirm the deletion of the selected resolution.
Figure 1.5 Confirm dialog box for resolution deletion
Click “Cancel” not to continue and close the dialog box.
The deleted resolution should be removed from the list.