PRODUCTS - Combo Product

PRODUCTS - Combo Product

The combo is a single product/item which comprises of different items. The combos can be created to promote products and attract customers to buy a single product with different items together.

Click on the link for a quick video tutorial.


To create a combo item first an item has to be created in the Product list and marked as a combo item then the combo can be created and products under that combo item can be added.

STEP 1: First go to BACKOFFICE --> PRODUCTS --> PRODUCT LIST.  Click on Add Product. Fill in all the details. Mark the item as COMBO PRODUCT by turning the COMBO PRODUCT button ON.




STEP 3: On the right section, you can see options to Add, Delete, Edit, and Sort the products. To add the new combo items click on ADD COMBO PRODUCT. The following page opens.


STEP 4:  Add a Combo Name and Select the Product that was created in STEP 1.


STEP 5: Click on the ADD CATEGORY button next to the Category block. A pop-up appears. Add the Categories. Here you can see I have added starter, main course, and drink. Click OK after adding the categories.


Note: These categories are not displayed as the main category. These are the categories created for the particular combo item.

STEP 6: Double click on any of the category and the pop-up appears with the Product List. Select the Products required for that category by double-clicking on the item and Save.

Similarly, add the required items for the categories.


STEP 7: EDIT CATEGORY - Add minimum and maximum number to select the minimum and maximum items from that category.


STEP 8: EDIT PRODUCT PROPERTIES button will allow us to edit the price, sort order, name of the items. Auto-select is to select the item by default. 


  • DELETE CATEGORY - This is to delete the category.

  • EDIT CATEGORY PRODUCTS - To add or delete items to the category.

  • SORT CATEGORY PRODUCTS - To sort the products in the category to display.

  • SORT CATEGORY - To the order of the categories to display.





STEP 9: SAVE the combo created.

STEP 10: The combo item can be edited, deleted, or sorted by clicking on the required action on the Combo product list page.


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