Materials are the products used to create the Menu Item. They can be raw materials or semi-finished products.
Raw Materials - They are the raw materials used for cooking Ex: Rice grains, Flours
Semi-Finished Materials - Semi-Finished products as the name suggests are the semi-finished products that are produced using raw materials. Ex: Batter, Marinated chicken
Create Materials in DineConnect
STEP 1: Log in to Dine Connect. Go to HOUSE --> MATERIAL -->MATERIALS. The following page appears.
STEP 2: To create new materials click on CREATE MATERIAL. the following page appears. On this page, there are a lot of options to be filled in.
Material Type - Select the type of the material, As explained earlier, there are two types of materials Raw and Semi-finished materials. Select the required type.
Category - Every raw material has to belong to a category, You can select from the existing category or create a new category by clicking on Add.
Default Unit - To mark the default unit of measurement
Default Transaction Unit - To add the default unit to mark for transactions
Transfer Unit - This is the default unit for transfer the materials across locations
Stock Adjust Unit - This is the unit for stock adjust
Code - Add a code
Name - Material name
Barcode - Barcode of the material
Average Price tag - This is used for reporting purposes. There are various methods or formulae used for calculating the average stock value.
1. Given dates average - Uses the average of the prices of purchase on different dates.
2. Last purchase - Uses the value of the last purchase.
3. Purchase average last n months - Calculates the average purchase value of the last N months.
4. Moving average - Uses the average of the previous and current prices.
STEP 3: Go to the next section, UNITS. Select all the units of transactions required.
STEP 4: Create the suppliers, or select from the existing suppliers.
UOM - Unit of measurement will be added
Price - Add the price
MOQ- Minimum Order Quantity, to create order
Purchase Yield % - This is used to add the amount of useable quantity obtained after purchase. Example: if 2% of wastage is added then the Purchase yield % will be 98%.
STEP 5: Add Barcode, Inventory cycle and HSN/SAR Code/Account Code. The inventory cycle can be created in the stock cycle update module. Refer to this link.
STEP 6: Mark required fields.
It is used to filter the high-value products. Example: Badam
Purchase Quotation Required - To raise the purchase with Quotation
Convert as zero when closing stock negative - If the inventory goes negative during the day close it converts the stock to 0.
Purchase Yield - The average purchase yield of the suppliers.
Fill in all the details as required and save the material.
STEP 7: To edit/delete the exiting materials, click on the required function under ACTION. You can also export an excel sheet with list of all the materials.
NOTE: You can also create the materials in BULK using the IMPORT option.