

The transfer module handles the transfer of materials between the different locations.

In this module, there are three main sub-modules which are discussed in detail further in this document.


To request the materials from different Locations


The approval module is to confirm and complete the Requests.


A receive module is used to acknowledge the materials received.


The request module is to request the materials from different locations. 

STEP 1: Log in to Dine Connect. Go to HOUSE --> TRANSACTION --> TRANSFER --> REQUEST module. The following page appears. 

On this page, you can see the list of all the requests generated. And we can also view the summary of requests. 


STEP 2: To create a new Request, Click on the CREATE REQUEST button. The below page appears.


  • Select the location from where the request has to be created and the location to which the request has to be made.

  • Select Request and Delivery date. 

  • Add the Reference number.

STEP 3: Once the details mentioned above are filled, the following fields appear.


  • Select the materials, add the quantity plus SAVE.

  • If there are groups created, you can click on the required group and click on fill materials to auto-fill the materials.

  • Once the SAVE button is clicked, the following pop up appears, click OK to initiate the inter location transfer request.


STEP 4. After the transfer is Saved, the status will be Request Approval Pending. To Approve, Click on Approve, the above page appears again then click on SAVE  and APPROVE to approve. 


The approval summary is shown after confirmation.



The approval module is to confirm or approve the Transfer request received from other locations.

NOTE: Once the request is created from any location to another location, the location that receives the request has to approve the request. The Request will be as shown below.

The location is PATTAYA as marked on the top right. 

STEP 1: In the HOUSE --> TRANSACTION --> TRANSFER --> APPROVAL module, you can see the requests in this location. The status will be pending for the new requests.


STEP 2: Under ACTION, Click on APPROVE. The following page appears. Here, you can Approve the request as per convenience. To accept all the items, you can click on APPROVE ALL or individually approve items. 


NOTE: There is also an option to complete the request with different quantities according to the convenience of the supplier. For example, Below 10 KG of ONION is requested the supplier can just send 5 Kg. To do this, click on the edit option next to the item. 

You can either cancel the difference quantity or hold and transfer later.


STEP 3: Approve/Reject and then SAVE. After saving the summary as shown below.


Other Options


There is an option to transfer without request. For this, we can either click on a DIRECT TRANSFER MULTI LOCATION or DIRECT TRANSFER SINGLE LOCATION. 

  • DIRECT TRANSFER MULTI LOCATION - Here, Add a reference number.  Select the Materials and select the locations where it has to be transferred and the quantity.


  • DIRECT TRANSFER SINGLE LOCATION - Select the From and To location, select materials, and quantity, and approve.


NOTE: In the Approval module, There is an option to create Auto Purchase Order to purchase the item from the supplier to transfer the other locations. This can be done using the Auto PO button.


A receive module is used to acknowledge the materials received.

STEP 1: Go to HOUSE --> TRANSACTION --> TRANSFER -->RECIEVE module. The following page appears. If the requests have been responded, then it is listed on this page along with Status.


STEP 2:  If any of the statuses are updated is APPROVED, then the Receiving option will be active.  


STEP 3: In the Receiving page the summary, shows what quantity of the material has been transferred and the Reason if the complete amount is not received. Click on SAVE.



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