The dashboard gives us Sales vs Purchase report.
There are three sections on this page which are explained below.
Section 1: In this section, we can see the sales vs purchase summary.
Select the date range, Level shows the comparison of those many months. in the example shown below, it is 2. It shows a summary of 2 months.
It can be filtered for the locations or specific suppliers.
In the columns, it shows sales amount, the difference in sales between consecutive months, percentage change, the purchase amount, the difference in the purchase amount of the consecutive months, % difference % food cost.
Section 2: SUPPLIER CHART - This gives the details of top suppliers and the value of the purchase. If there are multiple suppliers then the top [value] value suppliers can be shown in the graph. - [value]+
You can see a pie chart, Line graph or bar graph representation of the data.
SECTION 3: MATERIAL CHART - This gives the material-wise report of purchase.