

The dashboard gives us Sales vs Purchase report. 

There are three sections on this page which are explained below.

Section 1: In this section, we can see the sales vs purchase summary. 

  • Select the date range, Level shows the comparison of those many months. in the example shown below, it is 2. It shows a summary of 2 months. 

  • It can be filtered for the locations or specific suppliers.

  • In the columns, it shows sales amount, the difference in sales between consecutive months, percentage change, the purchase amount, the difference in the purchase amount of the consecutive months, % difference % food cost.


Section 2: SUPPLIER CHART - This gives the details of top suppliers and the value of the purchase. If there are multiple suppliers then the top [value] value suppliers can be shown in the graph. - [value]+

You can see a pie chart, Line graph or bar graph representation of the data.


SECTION 3: MATERIAL CHART - This gives the material-wise report of purchase. 



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