Future Data allows us to schedule changes to be applied from the schedules date onwards. This basically helps us to make the changes before and schedule it to be functioning later.
Create Future Data
STEP 1: Go to CONNECT --> MASTER -->FUTURE DATA. The following page appears.
STEP 2: Click on FUTURE DATA, add a suitable name, select the Date from which the changes must be reflecting. Select the Type of change depending on the requirement. The details of all the types are explained in the next section.
PRICE TAG - Price tags can be created in the Price tag section and can be scheduled to put into action here.
Select the price tag while creating the event.
TAX - To schedule the updated taxes to be applied to the products or services.
Click on the OPEN button on the Future data home page.
Handle the tax here & the Locations here and SAVE.
SCREEN MENU - For the screen menu to be live from a certain date, select the type Screen Menu and select the required Screen menu created. To understand how to create a screen menu refer to this document.
NOTE: All the events will be in action from the date scheduled and after that, it will become the current data.