Create Promotions
Log in to DineConnect -- Go to CONNECT --> PROMOTION --> PROMOTION, The following page appears.
On this page you will be able to see all the existing promotions, they can be filtered using date, type of promotion or locations.
TICKET DISCOUNT - With this discount, Discount will be applied at the Bill Level.
STEP 1: Click on CREATE PROMOTIONS, the following page appears.
In General, Select LOCATIONS for which Location this promotion has to run.
Here, we have to fill Category and Name.
We also have Promotion Type, where we can select promotion type as TicketDiscount in the dropdown.
In Date Range, Have to select date range between when the promotion has to work.
In Card Type, Choose the Card Type to validate for applying this promotion.
In Description, Can give some Remarks for Promotion.
In this Page, If we Tick These Options, it will work accordingly
Promotion will combine to work with other Promotions | |
Promotion will display in the selected Event of DinePlan | |
Promotion will apply once per Ticket | |
Promotion will work in POS | |
Promotion will work beyond the Promotion Quota |
STEP 2: Let us understand about the Schedule. The Promotions can be restricted as described below
It can be set between the Date Range selected in General Tab.
It can be set for the Specific Day (Monday, Tuesday, etc.) under WEEK.
It can be set for the Specific Day in the Month (1,2,3..) under MONTH.
It can be configured on Specific Time (6 AM to 10 PM) in the time slot.
STEP 3: In Conditions, We can Map this Promotion with Total (Ticket Total), Department Group, Department, Member and Payment Type
Here you can define any condition to use the discount, for example, the Ticket Total must be greater than or equal to 100,...
STEP 4: Restrict Items, we can restrict the particular items for this Promotion by selecting the items. Click on ADDITEM and CLICK. Select the items from the page that appears and click SAVE.
STEP 5: Distribution, Can distribute this promotion at Percentage Level.
Select the Product Group/ Categories/items/Portions and add the Percentage.
NOTE: If not selected any Product Group/ Categories/items/Portions, This Promotion will apply for All.
STEP 6: PromotionQuota, Here, we can define the PromotionQuota
It can be define the count (5,10,15) have to apply the Promotion.
If Tick Each, keep the count separately to each locations.
It can be set for (Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Yearly) under Reset.
It can select the Locations (1,2,3..) under PLANTS/LOCATIONS.
STEP 7: TICKET DISCOUNT PROMOTION, Under Caption, Can input some Remarks.
Under Promotion Type, you can select the type of discount it may be percentage discount or fixed value discount.
Under Promotion Value, you can apply the values.
In this Page, If we Tick These Options, it will work accordingly
Promotion will ask for the Reference Code in the POS | |
Promotion will ask for the Authentication in the POS | |
Have to Choose the Type (Highest or Lowest Price Item) |
Once Promotion Configured in DineConnect, we have to sync from DinePlan to get the newly added or edited datas
Go to POS, add the Menu Items which is mapped with Ticket Discount Promotion
Now adding some items, it will display as shown in below Pic.
If click TICKET PROMOTION, It will show the promotions for this Menu Item and Here, choose Ticket Discount Promotion.
Note : In this screen, Can use REVERSE Button to Cancel the Promotion.
If we choose the Promotion, System will display the Promotion Tag with Promotion Value as shown in below Pic.