

Card section is created to help the business to create Vouchers to create promotions and discounts for their customers. These vouchers can be marked to use one time or multi use. 

In this document we will understand how to create different voucher cards and how to design the offers and promotions for these cards. 

Cards consists of three section as defined below. 


To create categories for group the cards

Card Type

To define the Card Type


To create the card and configure the offer

The creation of Voucher cards to support discounts and promotions from DineConnect is very simple, just follow the below step. 


First, lets create a category

STEP 1: Go to CONNECT --> CARD --> CATEGORY on DineConnect. This page opens. 


STEP 2: Now to create a Category, click on 'Create Connect Card Type Category' button. This page opens. 


STEP 3: Here, add the Name of the Category and Code. Then click on Save. 

NOTE: The card categories can be edited or deleted by clicking on the respective actions in the ACTIONS column.



Now, lets create Card Types

STEP 1: Go to CONNECT --> CARD --> CARD TYPE. This page opens. 


STEP 2: To create a Card Type, click on 'CREATE CARD TYPE' button. This page opens where the card type can be designed. Enter all the details 

  • Select the Card Category.

  • Type Name - To add the Name of the Card type. 

  • Type Tag - This is to just add a Tag/ alternate name to the Card type

  • Length - This is to limit the length of Card Number while creating the card.

  • Expiry Date - To add a expiry date for the card

  • One Time - When this is marked, it limit the voucher to be redeemed only once. 


STEP 3:  Once all the details are entered, save the page. 


  • The option to edit or delete the Card Types can be seen in the dropdown under Actions. 

  • When you click on Cards, you can see the Cards defined under this Card Type. 

  • In Redemption you can see the Redeemed card details. 



This is where the Voucher cards are designed. 

STEP 1: Go to CONNECT --> CARD TYPE --> CARDS page on DineConnect. This page opens. Here click on 'CREATE CARD' button. 


STEP 2: This page opens, Here, select the Card Type and a Card Number, Then mark if you want to keep it active and Save.

NOTE: The card number length should be according to the length defined while creating Card Type else it gives an error while saving the card. 



  • There is an option to Edit, Delete or Make a card Active/Inactive from the Actions column.

  • There is also an option to Import an excel to create cards in Bulk. This makes it easier to create Vouchers in Bulk. For this, create an excel with all the card details as shown on the template (which can be downloaded by clicking on Export) and then Importing the Excel from Import button.

  • You can see the Status if the card is Redeemed or not in the Redeemed column. 



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