

This submodule allows us to create users and define their roles. In this document, we will understand how to create users and define their roles.


Roles are the permissions associated with a specific function. Every user will have different functions to perform limited to their scope. In disconnect, we can create different roles and add their permission according to the requirements. 

Create Roles

STEP 1: Log in to DineConnect. Go to CONNECT --> USER --> ROLES. The following page appears. 


STEP 2: Click on CREATE ROLE. The following pop up appears. 

  • Add the name of the ROLE, click on ADMIN if the role has to be an ADMIN level.

  • Select the Department.


STEP 2: Go to Permissions, Select the permissions that must be given to the role. Click on SAVE.


STEP 3: To edit the permissions of the existing role, click on the EDIT option under ACTION. To delete, click on DELETE.


NOTE: Once the Role is created, create users, and associate the specific role to the user.


Users are the people who are using the POS system and other applications. Different users will have different permission according to the function they perform. In this section, we will create different users.

Create Users

STEP 1: Go to CONNECT --> USER -->USERS. The following page appears.


STEP 2: Click on CREATE USER. The following page appears, fill in the details, select the role, select the required location from Locations, and SAVE.


STEP 3: To edit or delete the existing users, select the required function EDIT/DELETE under ACTIONS.



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