TAG, in general, is a label attached for the purpose of identification or to give some information. In DineConnect and DinePlan we use tags for various purposes which are explained in course.
The three tags here are,
The price tag is used to mark the prices of certain/all items to different prices. This can be done to promote the item/items or to run a certain offer. The item will be tagged with the Name which describes the offer. Usually, restaurants tags item prices to promote a particular item or category. Let us see how to create price tags and mark items with a different price.
NOTE: This is not promotions, promotions or discounts can be run separately.
Create a Price tag
STEP 1: Go to CONNECT -->TAG --> PRICE TAG. The below page opens up.
STEP 2: Click on CREATE PRICETAG. Add NAME, select the LOCATION and SAVE
STEP 3: Click on the checkbox highlighted in the picture to edit the price of item/items.
STEP 4: Click on the checkbox next to any item you want to tag the price, and the pop up appears. Add the tag price in the space given. Save the price. If you want to edit the price of the next item, click on Save and Next.
NOTE: You can also use an excel sheet to update the tag prices. It is recommended to use when bulk items have to be tagged. Follow the steps given below
STEP 1: Click on Import, download the template.
STEP 2: Edit the prices in the sheet and Save.
STEP 3: Import the saved excel sheet in Dineconnect.
The order tag is used to create add-ons to the items. For example, when a burger is ordered, add-ons such as extra cheese or extra mayonnaise can be added as the order tags. The tags have to be mapped with the item to be visible with the item
The order tags can be created using the steps defined below
Create Order Tags
STEP 1: Go to CONNECT --> TAGS --> ORDER TAG. The below page opens up.
In this page, you can EXPORT, CREATE new order tag, EDIT or DELETE the existing order tags.
STEP 2: To create a new order tag, click on CREATE ORDER TAG, the following page appears. It has 3 sections.
STEP 3: Fill in the general details of the order tag in the GENERAL section.
NAME: Add the name of the TAG group.
DEPARTMENT: Here you can select the Department to which the add on will be applicable. This useful to add add-ons to a particular department.
PREFIX - To add the prefix name.
MINIMUM and MAXIMUM SELECT: To add a minimum and maximum selection number for the add-ons. For example, to add a minimum of 1 of 4 and a maximum of 2 of 4 types of sauces for pizza.
FREE TAG - This will allow adding any other tag while taking the order.
SAVE FREE TAGS - If any other tag other than the existing tag is created using Free Tag during taking an order, then, there is an option to save the tag.
ADD TAG PRICE TO ORDER - This will add the add on price to the order.
TAX-FREE - To create tax-free addons.
STEP 4: In the TAGS section, add the add on items, Example, add on to select a sauce from different sauces is shown below where the different sauce items will be created in the tags.
Add the Name of the tag, You can use different languages to denote the items.
Select the item created in Menu item to make it an add on. Note that, the add on items can either be created in Main menu items or directly created here. If the item is not created in the Main menu and is added here directly then there is no need to select anything in MENU ITEM.
Select the quantity, add the price of the add on has an extra price.
NOTE: If the item is not created in the Main Menu and directly created on this page then inventory for the add-on items will not be counted. Hence, to have a count of inventory on the add-on items create the items in the main menu and select the item under the Menu Item column while creating the tag.
STEP 5: Go to the MAPS section, Here you can add the items to which the created add-ons along with the add-on group can be associated so that it appears while making an order for that item.
Select one or more items here by clicking on the + button. Select the location/s and SAVE.
The ticket tag allows us to create tags for the tickets. Some examples of ticket tags can be PAX per table, count for male, female, and children on a table.
The following steps will help us understand how to create ticket tags.
STEP 1: Go to CONNECT --> TAGS --> TICKET TAG. The following page appears.
STEP 2: Click on CREATE TICKET TAG. There are two sections here.
STEP 3: Fill in the details in GENERAL.
NAME: Fill in the Name of the tag.
Select the department, tag type.
Free tag and Save free tag as explained earlier is to add new tags and save them while taking the order.
Force Value
Ask Before ticket allows the tags created to appear immediately when you click on any table on the POS.
STEP 4: Add the tags according to the requirement.
STEP 5: You can edit/delete the existing tags by clicking on the required function under the ACTIONS.